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Within sport and culture

Built in the 19th century over the Tuileries garden, the monument which is currently home to a museum, once upon a time was given to the Jeu de Paume, forefather of many contemporary games as tennis or Frisian handball. At the beginning of the 20th century the structure and its companion the Orangerie have been… Read more »

Place à la photographie au Grand Palais

La photographie s’est depuis bien longtemps élevée au rang de l’art et elle n’a plus rien à envier aux autres formes artistiques. C’est donc tout naturellement que la Foire Internationale de Photographie d’Art s’invite chaque année au Grand Palais de Paris. Devenu le rendez-vous incontournable des professionnels, des artistes, des collectionneurs ou des simples curieux,… Read more »

A walk at the Seine’s edge

The Branly quay located along the left side of the Seine’s edge develop through Paris, from the Alma bridge until the Bir-Hakeim bridge. Before the 18th century, the Swans island gathering several islets were linked to the edge with a bridge overhanging a small canal that has been filled in 1780. It was over an… Read more »