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Dans les jardins de Catherine de Médicis

Dans la seconde moitié du 16ème siècle, Catherine de Médicis, qui est alors Régente de France, fait construire le Palais des Tuileries sur quelques terrains en friche jouxtant le Louvre. De cette résidence royale et impériale, il ne reste plus aujourd’hui que les jardins. En effet, le bâtiment a été incendié durant la Commune de… Read more »

A view inside the Arab World Institute

The French president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing was behind the project of the Arab World Institute construction at the heart of Paris. Thus, he wanted to lighten the relations between France and Arab countries bringing the two cultures closer. The building was inaugurated in 1987 under the chairmanship of François Mitterrand. The Institute shelters permanent collections… Read more »

A walk at the Seine’s edge

The Branly quay located along the left side of the Seine’s edge develop through Paris, from the Alma bridge until the Bir-Hakeim bridge. Before the 18th century, the Swans island gathering several islets were linked to the edge with a bridge overhanging a small canal that has been filled in 1780. It was over an… Read more »