In 1937 the City of Paris organised the World Exhibition of “Arts et Techniques appliqués à la vie moderne» («Exhibition of Arts and Techniques applied on modern life»). For this occasion, several detached houses were built both to welcome visitors and promote the French savoir-faire. Even though the majority of these houses were ephemeral others were aimed to be permanents. That’s especially the case of the Tokyo… Read more »
Un premier magasin Abercrombie & Fitch ouvre ses portes en 1892 dans le quartier new-yorkais de Manhattan. À cette époque, l’enseigne était spécialisée dans les vêtements et accessoires de randonnée, les fusils de chasse et le matériel de pêche ou de camping. De nos jours, Abercrombie & Fitch est devenu le nom d’une chaîne de… Read more »
Each year since 1974, Paris put contemporary artists in the spotlight on the occasion of the FIAC, meaning Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain (“the Paris International Art Fair”). While some days during the October, the Grand Palais as well as several places named “Hors les Murs” welcomed modern and contemporary works selected among the greatest galleries of… Read more »