La marque Chanel est devenue le symbole de l’élégance, du raffinement et du luxe imaginés pour vous par sa fondatrice, Gabrielle Chesnel, une grande couturière mieux connue sous son surnom, Coco Chanel. Et pourtant rien ne prédestinait cette fille de forains des Cévennes née en dehors des liens du mariage à devenir la fondatrice de… Read more »
It was in 1957 that the signed Léonard Bernstein West Side Story musical show has been played for the first time in a Broadway’s theatre. The play which takes Romeo and Juillette’s subject over transposed in a popular district of Manhattan remains displayed at almost 1000 shows before to be deported in Europe, success has… Read more »
Chanel as a brand has emerged as the symbol of the French elegance, delicacy and fashion created for you by the founder Gabrielle Chesnel whose greats seamstress’ name is better known as Coco Chanel. This stallholder’s daughter from the Cevennes born outside of a marriage relationship was in no way fated to become the founder… Read more »