C’est vers le milieu du 19ème siècle que le jeune Louis Vuitton décide de devenir malletier et de fabriquer des coffres de voyage pour l’élégante clientèle parisienne. Très vite, ses créations remportent un vif succès, notamment auprès de l’impératrice Eugénie et de la noblesse française, ce qui lui permet d’ouvrir une première boutique dans la… Read more »
In France and even in the world the Louvre is known to be one of the largest museum housing priceless collections which redraw the story of art and antiquity of the 19th century. More than just a museum the Louvre is also an historic monument enable visitors to turn the clock back to appreciate the… Read more »
The Rotonde opened its doors at the beginning of the 20th century at the corner of Montparnasse and Raspail Boulevards. From being a little bar full of blue-collared workers quickly it became a crucial address in Paris for writers and artists, then it was common to meet Picasso, Modigliani, Apollinaire or Jean Cocteau. The Rotonde… Read more »