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APP 2# 11

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An unavoidable stop in Montparnasse

The Rotonde opened its doors at the beginning of the 20th century at the corner of Montparnasse and Raspail Boulevards. From being a little bar full of blue-collared workers quickly it became a crucial address in Paris for writers and artists, then it was common to meet Picasso, Modigliani, Apollinaire or Jean Cocteau. The Rotonde… Read more »

A designer house opens its doors for you

Being passionate from his younger age by the haute couture, Yves-Saint-Laurent created his own house in 1961. The year after, the first Yves-Saint-Laurent collection realised a victory that will never passed away. He offers woman a new clothing often inspired by men clothes, from dinner jacket to safari jacket as well as trench-coat and trouser… Read more »

Une journée shopping sur les Champs-Élysées

Un premier magasin Abercrombie & Fitch ouvre ses portes en 1892 dans le quartier new-yorkais de Manhattan. À cette époque, l’enseigne était spécialisée dans les vêtements et accessoires de randonnée, les fusils de chasse et le matériel de pêche ou de camping. De nos jours, Abercrombie & Fitch est devenu le nom d’une chaîne de… Read more »