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When everything means luxury and fineness

So youngly Guccio Gucci developed competences within the fashion field and came nearer the luxury world working into palaces.  In 1921 Gucci’s brand was founded and a first shop opened in Florence offered saddlery products, luggage and riding accessories. This first shop was followed by many others and the brand branched out quickly.

Ongoing to discover the contemporary art

In 1937 the City of Paris organised the World Exhibition of “Arts et Techniques appliqués à la vie moderne» («Exhibition of Arts and Techniques applied on modern life»). For this occasion, several detached houses were built both to welcome visitors and promote the French savoir-faire. Even though the majority of these houses were ephemeral others were aimed to be permanents. That’s especially the case of the Tokyo… Read more »

Une balade au Trocadéro

Durant votre séjour à Paris, n’oubliez pas de découvrir les jardins du Trocadéro et le Palais de Chaillot construits et aménagés sur l’emplacement de l’ancien Palais du Trocadéro pour accueillir l’exposition internationale de 1937. Les promeneurs apprécient le charme et la convivialité de ces jardins qui offrent 1001 possibilités, en toutes saisons. Une baignade rafraîchissante… Read more »