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APP 2# 7

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A submersion onto humanity story

From the start of explorations for the “New World” or South Pacific Islands, mariners brought many “souvenirs” from their trip. Europeans are passionate for this far away civilisations and the wealthier get their own cabinet of curiosities. That was how a first temporary ethnographic Museum gathering many private collections opened its doors in Paris in… Read more »

On the rooftops of Paris

Passing through Paris you may seek a typical restaurant to share precious moments with your close relations? We advise you to put your luggage up in a Helzear suite or room, a hotel near to 39V, then to go discover a menu that incorporate with pleasure as the great French culinary tradition as a modernity… Read more »

Dans les jardins de Catherine de Médicis

Dans la seconde moitié du 16ème siècle, Catherine de Médicis, qui est alors Régente de France, fait construire le Palais des Tuileries sur quelques terrains en friche jouxtant le Louvre. De cette résidence royale et impériale, il ne reste plus aujourd’hui que les jardins. En effet, le bâtiment a été incendié durant la Commune de… Read more »