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APP 2# 2

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When everything means luxury and fineness

So youngly Guccio Gucci developed competences within the fashion field and came nearer the luxury world working into palaces.  In 1921 Gucci’s brand was founded and a first shop opened in Florence offered saddlery products, luggage and riding accessories. This first shop was followed by many others and the brand branched out quickly.

A shopping day along the Champs-Élysées

In 1892 a first Abercrombie & Fitch shop open its door in Manhattan in New-york city. The brand was specialised in cloth, accessories of ride, hunting rifles, fishing and camping equipment in that time. Nowadays, Abercrombie & Fitch has become the famous name of a store chain offering clothing line both top-range and casually for… Read more »

De la gare au musée

Le Musée d’Orsay est installé depuis 1986 dans l’ancienne gare ferroviaire d’Orsay située à proximité de différents ministères et bâtiments administratifs de la ville de Paris. À l’origine, la gare a été construite afin d’acheminer au cœur de la capitale les visiteurs et les délégations étrangères se rendant sur le site de l’exposition universelle de… Read more »