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A foundation dedicated to the contemporary art

In 1984 the collector and business men named Alain-Dominique Perrin created the Cartier Foundation devoted to the contemporary art. After a decade the foundation was moved to Jouy-en-Josas in Yvelines, Raspail boulevard, in the centre of Paris. The foundation aim was supporting the contemporary artistic creation editing books and organising exhibitions with various activities. So… Read more »

When gastronomy becomes an art

Through a refined setting bordering on the fastidiousness of the Restaurant Pages the young chef called Ryuji Teshima of Japanese origin welcomes and can offer you a gastronomic menu as an echo of his knowledge-course. All the dishes have been made to give customers emotion, them who can attend to cuisine preparations thanks to the… Read more »

Laissez-nous vous conter quelques histoires

Des histoires, le chef Mathieu Pacaud en a beaucoup à raconter au travers de ses plats concoctés et présentés avec passion. C’est dans un cadre raffiné et coquet que des alcôves intimistes vous invitent à prendre place autour de la table pour partager des moments privilégiés et savourer des recettes s’inspirant des traditions de la… Read more »