Born in 1840 Auguste Rodin represents one of the most famous French carvers and often he is considered as the pioneer of the modern carving. He has brought with success the realism of his works with a touch of romance and of impressionism, playing with the light, shining the shapes. Auguste Rodin was really productive… Read more »
In 1937 the City of Paris organised the World Exhibition of “Arts et Techniques appliqués à la vie moderne » (« Exhibition of Arts and Techniques applied on modern life »). For this occasion, several detached houses were built both to welcome visitors and promote the French savoir-faire. Even though the majority of these houses were ephemeral others were aimed to be permanents. That’s especially the case of the Tokyo… Read more »
Construit au 19ème siècle dans le jardin des Tuileries, le bâtiment abritant actuellement un musée était autrefois consacré au jeu de paume, l’ancêtre de nombreux jeux contemporains dont le tennis et la balle pelote. Au début du 20ème siècle, la bâtisse ainsi que son pendant, l’Orangerie, sont détournés de leur destination première pour devenir des… Read more »