Fondée à l’aube du 20ème siècle, la marque Prada symbolise l’élégance et le charme de la mode italienne. À l’origine, les frères Prada ouvrent une petite maroquinerie à Milan pour proposer des articles de sellerie et il faut attendre les années 1970 pour que Prada devienne une référence dans le monde de la mode. Depuis,… Read more »
At the heart of Paris and exactly in the centre of the Charles-de-Gaulle’s place, the Arc de Triomphe of the Étoile ordered by Napoleon the 1st is taking the Tomb of the Unknown soldier and the torch burning permanently since 1923 in, to remember the soldiers dead for the nation. Each evening at 6.30 p.m.,… Read more »
Thierry Hermès has opened a first workshop in Paris in 1837, proposing customers top-range saddles and harness. It was his son and grandson who decided to expand their products with the aim of delivering riders expectations and also travellers one. Large travel and sport bags, toilet bags or golf club head covers have joined the… Read more »