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Entre sport et culture

Construit au 19ème siècle dans le jardin des Tuileries, le bâtiment abritant actuellement un musée était autrefois consacré au jeu de paume, l’ancêtre de nombreux jeux contemporains dont le tennis et la balle pelote. Au début du 20ème siècle, la bâtisse ainsi que son pendant, l’Orangerie, sont détournés de leur destination première pour devenir des… Read more »

Lets discover the modern art

  Among the many museums set up in the capital city, the Modern Art Museum in Paris stand out by permanency arrays’ quality telling the story of the European art, beginning to the Fauvism until now and with temporary exhibitions. The museum set up in a wing within the Tokyo Palace, a monument built in… Read more »

A shopping day along the Champs-Élysées

In 1892 a first Abercrombie & Fitch shop open its door in Manhattan in New-york city. The brand was specialised in cloth, accessories of ride, hunting rifles, fishing and camping equipment in that time. Nowadays, Abercrombie & Fitch has become the famous name of a store chain offering clothing line both top-range and casually for… Read more »