Through a refined setting bordering on the fastidiousness of the Restaurant Pages the young chef called Ryuji Teshima of Japanese origin welcomes and can offer you a gastronomic menu as an echo of his knowledge-course. All the dishes have been made to give customers emotion, them who can attend to cuisine preparations thanks to the… Read more »
The Musée d’Orsay settled in the old rail station of the Orsay since 1986, which is located near to various ministries and administrative buildings of the City of Paris. At the starting point the station has been built for visitors and stranger commission to be driven at the heart of the capital city, going to… Read more »
Dans la seconde moitié du 16ème siècle, Catherine de Médicis, qui est alors Régente de France, fait construire le Palais des Tuileries sur quelques terrains en friche jouxtant le Louvre. De cette résidence royale et impériale, il ne reste plus aujourd’hui que les jardins. En effet, le bâtiment a été incendié durant la Commune de… Read more »