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From leatherwear to perfumery, Hermès means the whole French elegance

Thierry Hermès has opened a first workshop in Paris in 1837, proposing customers top-range saddles and harness. It was his son and grandson who decided to expand their products with the aim of delivering riders expectations and also travellers one. Large travel and sport bags, toilet bags or golf club head covers have joined the… Read more »

Au pied de la Tour Eiffel

En 1899, la ville de Paris organise une Exposition Universelle, véritable vitrine du savoir-faire français. C’est à cette occasion que Gustave Eiffel imagine et conçoit la célèbre tour qui est devenue le symbole de la capitale. En cette fin de 19ème siècle, la Tour Eiffel est une prouesse architecturale et technologique, un défi relevé avec… Read more »

Haute couture, perfumery and fashion mean Chanel’s luxury

Chanel as a brand has emerged as the symbol of the French elegance, delicacy and fashion created for you by the founder Gabrielle Chesnel whose greats seamstress’ name is better known as Coco Chanel. This stallholder’s daughter from the Cevennes born outside of a marriage relationship was in no way fated to become the founder… Read more »