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Live the Louis Vuitton’s legend

It was on the middle of the 19th century that the young Louis Vuitton decided to begin a briefcase maker and to produce travel chest for the elegant Parisian customers. His creations quickly got a brilliant success especially with Empress Eugenie and the French gentry which enable Louis Vuitton to open his first shop into… Read more »

Du Penseur aux Bourgeois de Calais

Né en 1840, Auguste Rodin est l’un des plus célèbres sculpteurs français et est souvent considéré comme le pionnier de la sculpture moderne. Il a réussi à teinter le réalisme de ses œuvres d’une touche de romantisme et d’impressionnisme, jouant avec la lumière qui sublime les formes. Très productif, Auguste Rodin nous a offert plus… Read more »

Lets discover the modern art

  Among the many museums set up in the capital city, the Modern Art Museum in Paris stand out by permanency arrays’ quality telling the story of the European art, beginning to the Fauvism until now and with temporary exhibitions. The museum set up in a wing within the Tokyo Palace, a monument built in… Read more »