In 1899 Paris city has organised a World’s fair, a true showcase of the French expertise. It represented an opportunity for Gustave Eiffel to imagine and devise the famous tower which became a symbol for the capital. At the end of the 19th century the Eiffel Tower is an architectural and technological achievement and the… Read more »
In 1984 the collector and business men named Alain-Dominique Perrin created the Cartier Foundation devoted to the contemporary art. After a decade the foundation was moved to Jouy-en-Josas in Yvelines, Raspail boulevard, in the centre of Paris. The foundation aim was supporting the contemporary artistic creation editing books and organising exhibitions with various activities. So… Read more »
Parmi les nombreux musées implantés dans la capitale, le Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris se distingue par la qualité de ses collections permanentes retraçant l’histoire de l’art européen, du fauvisme à nos jours, et de ses expositions temporaires. Le musée est installé dans une aile du Palais de Tokyo, un bâtiment construit pour l’Exposition… Read more »