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Laissez-nous vous conter quelques histoires

Des histoires, le chef Mathieu Pacaud en a beaucoup à raconter au travers de ses plats concoctés et présentés avec passion. C’est dans un cadre raffiné et coquet que des alcôves intimistes vous invitent à prendre place autour de la table pour partager des moments privilégiés et savourer des recettes s’inspirant des traditions de la… Read more »

Lets discover the modern art

  Among the many museums set up in the capital city, the Modern Art Museum in Paris stand out by permanency arrays’ quality telling the story of the European art, beginning to the Fauvism until now and with temporary exhibitions. The museum set up in a wing within the Tokyo Palace, a monument built in… Read more »

The Italian fashion industry takes its place on the Champs-élysées

Founded at the dawn of the 20th century Prada’s brand represents the Italian elegancy and fashion appeal. At the outset the brothers Prada opened a leather shop in Milan with the aim to propose saddlery products then a downtown until 1970 was necessary for Prada to become a reference in the fashion world. After all… Read more »