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Laissez-nous vous conter quelques histoires

Des histoires, le chef Mathieu Pacaud en a beaucoup à raconter au travers de ses plats concoctés et présentés avec passion. C’est dans un cadre raffiné et coquet que des alcôves intimistes vous invitent à prendre place autour de la table pour partager des moments privilégiés et savourer des recettes s’inspirant des traditions de la… Read more »

From railway station to museum

The Musée d’Orsay settled in the old rail station of the Orsay since 1986, which is located near to various ministries and administrative buildings of the City of Paris. At the starting point the station has been built for visitors and stranger commission to be driven at the heart of the capital city, going to… Read more »

A walk at the Seine’s edge

The Branly quay located along the left side of the Seine’s edge develop through Paris, from the Alma bridge until the Bir-Hakeim bridge. Before the 18th century, the Swans island gathering several islets were linked to the edge with a bridge overhanging a small canal that has been filled in 1780. It was over an… Read more »