Having made famous thanks to the eponym movie launched in 1978 the musical show staging Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta called Grease became a symbol of the American youth of the fifties. It was in 1971 that the play was created in Chicago then was played more than 3300 times in Broadway as soon as… Read more »
There are countless stories to tell with the chef Mathieu Pacaud through his dishes prepared and presented with passion. That’s in a delicate and chic setting were intimate alcoves invite you to take place round a table to share unique moments and to savour recipes arising out of French gastronomy traditions, as well as customised… Read more »
La marque Chanel est devenue le symbole de l’élégance, du raffinement et du luxe imaginés pour vous par sa fondatrice, Gabrielle Chesnel, une grande couturière mieux connue sous son surnom, Coco Chanel. Et pourtant rien ne prédestinait cette fille de forains des Cévennes née en dehors des liens du mariage à devenir la fondatrice de… Read more »