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Une plongée dans l’histoire de l’Humanité

Dès le début des grandes explorations vers le Nouveau-Monde ou les îles du Pacifique, les navigateurs ramènent de nombreux « souvenirs » de leurs voyages. Les Européens se passionnent pour ces civilisations lointaines et les plus fortunés ont leurs propres cabinets de curiosités. C’est ainsi qu’un premier musée ethnographique temporaire réunissant de nombreuses collections privées ouvre ses… Read more »

When gastronomy becomes an art

Through a refined setting bordering on the fastidiousness of the Restaurant Pages the young chef called Ryuji Teshima of Japanese origin welcomes and can offer you a gastronomic menu as an echo of his knowledge-course. All the dishes have been made to give customers emotion, them who can attend to cuisine preparations thanks to the… Read more »

The FIAC, a staple meeting for contemporary artists

Each year since 1974, Paris put contemporary artists in the spotlight on the occasion of the FIAC, meaning Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain (“the Paris International Art Fair”). While some days during the October, the Grand Palais as well as several places named “Hors les Murs” welcomed modern and contemporary works selected among the greatest galleries of… Read more »