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Quand Gauguin s’invite au Grand Palais

Construit pour devenir la vitrine du savoir-faire architectural français lors de l’exposition universelle de Paris, en 1900, le Grand Palais est devenu l’un des symboles de la vie culturelle de la capitale. Entièrement rénové dans les années 2000, le Grand Palais accueille régulièrement des expositions temporaires. C’est ainsi que le peintre Gauguin est actuellement mis… Read more »

At the bottom of the Eiffel Tower

In 1899 Paris city has organised a World’s fair, a true showcase of the French expertise. It represented an opportunity for Gustave Eiffel to imagine and devise the famous tower which became a symbol for the capital. At the end of the 19th century the Eiffel Tower is an architectural and technological achievement and the… Read more »

From leatherwear to perfumery, Hermès means the whole French elegance

Thierry Hermès has opened a first workshop in Paris in 1837, proposing customers top-range saddles and harness. It was his son and grandson who decided to expand their products with the aim of delivering riders expectations and also travellers one. Large travel and sport bags, toilet bags or golf club head covers have joined the… Read more »