In 1984 the collector and business men named Alain-Dominique Perrin created the Cartier Foundation devoted to the contemporary art. After a decade the foundation was moved to Jouy-en-Josas in Yvelines, Raspail boulevard, in the centre of Paris. The foundation aim was supporting the contemporary artistic creation editing books and organising exhibitions with various activities. So… Read more »
Construit pour devenir la vitrine du savoir-faire architectural français lors de l’exposition universelle de Paris, en 1900, le Grand Palais est devenu l’un des symboles de la vie culturelle de la capitale. Entièrement rénové dans les années 2000, le Grand Palais accueille régulièrement des expositions temporaires. C’est ainsi que le peintre Gauguin est actuellement mis… Read more »
At the heart of Paris and exactly in the centre of the Charles-de-Gaulle’s place, the Arc de Triomphe of the Étoile ordered by Napoleon the 1st is taking the Tomb of the Unknown soldier and the torch burning permanently since 1923 in, to remember the soldiers dead for the nation. Each evening at 6.30 p.m.,… Read more »