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A walk under the dome of Les Invalides

At the 17th century, Louis XIV king of France felt concerned about giving disabled soldier a roof, he ordered the building of a vast monument to receive them. Actually, he wished mostly clear the capital city’s pavements out, which were full of old soldier who became beggars and even thief. L’Hôtel des Invalides was inaugurated… Read more »

At the bottom of the Eiffel Tower

In 1899 Paris city has organised a World’s fair, a true showcase of the French expertise. It represented an opportunity for Gustave Eiffel to imagine and devise the famous tower which became a symbol for the capital. At the end of the 19th century the Eiffel Tower is an architectural and technological achievement and the… Read more »

Place à la photographie au Grand Palais

La photographie s’est depuis bien longtemps élevée au rang de l’art et elle n’a plus rien à envier aux autres formes artistiques. C’est donc tout naturellement que la Foire Internationale de Photographie d’Art s’invite chaque année au Grand Palais de Paris. Devenu le rendez-vous incontournable des professionnels, des artistes, des collectionneurs ou des simples curieux,… Read more »