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Une plongée dans le monde arabe

 Le président français Valéry Giscard d’Estaing est à l’origine du projet de construction de l’Institut du Monde Arabe au cœur de Paris. Il souhaite ainsi détendre les relations entre la France et les pays arabes en rapprochant les deux cultures. Le bâtiment est inauguré en 1987, sous la présidence de François Mitterrand. L’Institut accueille des… Read more »

When Gauguin invites itself at the Grand Palais

Built to become the architectural showcase of French savoir-faire during the international exposition of Paris in 1900, the Grand Palais has become a symbol of the capital city cultural life. It has been completely renovated during the years 2000 and regularly hosted temporary exhibitions. That’s currently how Gauguin the painter has been given the spotlight…. Read more »

The Italian fashion industry takes its place on the Champs-élysées

Founded at the dawn of the 20th century Prada’s brand represents the Italian elegancy and fashion appeal. At the outset the brothers Prada opened a leather shop in Milan with the aim to propose saddlery products then a downtown until 1970 was necessary for Prada to become a reference in the fashion world. After all… Read more »