En 1899, la ville de Paris organise une Exposition Universelle, véritable vitrine du savoir-faire français. C’est à cette occasion que Gustave Eiffel imagine et conçoit la célèbre tour qui est devenue le symbole de la capitale. En cette fin de 19ème siècle, la Tour Eiffel est une prouesse architecturale et technologique, un défi relevé avec… Read more »
Well-known in the whole world, the Champs-Élysées avenue stretched for almost two kilometres starting at the place of Concorde to the place Charles-de-Gaulle. As a true hub for the capital city many luxurious shops are running alongside the Champs-Élysées and also the most famous concert halls and restaurants in Paris. We advise you to book… Read more »
At the heart of Paris and exactly in the centre of the Charles-de-Gaulle’s place, the Arc de Triomphe of the Étoile ordered by Napoleon the 1st is taking the Tomb of the Unknown soldier and the torch burning permanently since 1923 in, to remember the soldiers dead for the nation. Each evening at 6.30 p.m.,… Read more »