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A view inside the Arab World Institute

The French president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing was behind the project of the Arab World Institute construction at the heart of Paris. Thus, he wanted to lighten the relations between France and Arab countries bringing the two cultures closer. The building was inaugurated in 1987 under the chairmanship of François Mitterrand. The Institute shelters permanent collections… Read more »

From the thinker to “Les Bourgeois de Calais”

Born in 1840 Auguste Rodin represents one of the most famous French carvers and often he is considered as the pioneer of the modern carving. He has brought with success the realism of his works with a touch of romance and of impressionism, playing with the light, shining the shapes. Auguste Rodin was really productive… Read more »

Une soirée à Broadway

C’est en 1957 que la comédie musicale West Side Story signée par Léonard Bernstein est jouée pour la première fois dans un théâtre de Broadway. Le succès est au rendez-vous et la pièce qui reprend le thème de Roméo et Juliette transposé dans un quartier populaire de Manhattan reste à l’affiche de près de 1000… Read more »