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A walk under the dome of Les Invalides

At the 17th century, Louis XIV king of France felt concerned about giving disabled soldier a roof, he ordered the building of a vast monument to receive them. Actually, he wished mostly clear the capital city’s pavements out, which were full of old soldier who became beggars and even thief. L’Hôtel des Invalides was inaugurated… Read more »

The FIAC, a staple meeting for contemporary artists

Each year since 1974, Paris put contemporary artists in the spotlight on the occasion of the FIAC, meaning Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain (“the Paris International Art Fair”). While some days during the October, the Grand Palais as well as several places named “Hors les Murs” welcomed modern and contemporary works selected among the greatest galleries of… Read more »

Un dîner au Jules Verne, une expérience unique

Et si ce soir vous savouriez un délicieux dîner tout en contemplant les lumières de Paris qui illuminent la capitale couchée à vos pieds? Pour votre prochaine escapade à Paris, nous vous suggérons de réserver une table au restaurant panoramique Jules Verne perché à 125 mètres d’altitude, en haut de la Tour Eiffel. La découverte… Read more »