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A view inside the Arab World Institute

The French president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing was behind the project of the Arab World Institute construction at the heart of Paris. Thus, he wanted to lighten the relations between France and Arab countries bringing the two cultures closer. The building was inaugurated in 1987 under the chairmanship of François Mitterrand. The Institute shelters permanent collections… Read more »

Live the Louis Vuitton’s legend

It was on the middle of the 19th century that the young Louis Vuitton decided to begin a briefcase maker and to produce travel chest for the elegant Parisian customers. His creations quickly got a brilliant success especially with Empress Eugenie and the French gentry which enable Louis Vuitton to open his first shop into… Read more »

Sous la voûte de l’Arc de Triomphe

Au cœur de Paris et plus précisément au centre de la place Charles de Gaulle, l’Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile commandé par Napoléon 1er abrite la tombe du Soldat inconnu et la flamme qui brûle en permanence depuis 1923, en souvenir des soldats morts pour la patrie. Chaque soir, à 18h30, des membres des associations… Read more »