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APP 2# 9

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A tryst with the story of the gastronomy

Lucas Carton restaurant settled in a 19th century building is established at Place de la Madelaine and relates the story of the French gastronomy. Great chefs have kept coming to prepare as a means to give regular customer a delightful cuisine. Nowadays the chef Julien Dumas took up the torch of this true Parisian institution…. Read more »

A designer house opens its doors for you

Being passionate from his younger age by the haute couture, Yves-Saint-Laurent created his own house in 1961. The year after, the first Yves-Saint-Laurent collection realised a victory that will never passed away. He offers woman a new clothing often inspired by men clothes, from dinner jacket to safari jacket as well as trench-coat and trouser… Read more »

Quand Gauguin s’invite au Grand Palais

Construit pour devenir la vitrine du savoir-faire architectural français lors de l’exposition universelle de Paris, en 1900, le Grand Palais est devenu l’un des symboles de la vie culturelle de la capitale. Entièrement rénové dans les années 2000, le Grand Palais accueille régulièrement des expositions temporaires. C’est ainsi que le peintre Gauguin est actuellement mis… Read more »