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APP 3# 9

Pour aller plus loin...

Place à la photographie au Grand Palais

La photographie s’est depuis bien longtemps élevée au rang de l’art et elle n’a plus rien à envier aux autres formes artistiques. C’est donc tout naturellement que la Foire Internationale de Photographie d’Art s’invite chaque année au Grand Palais de Paris. Devenu le rendez-vous incontournable des professionnels, des artistes, des collectionneurs ou des simples curieux,… Read more »

In the thick of Catherine de Medicis‘ gardens

During the second part of the 16th century, the Regent of France named Catherine de Medicis at the time, had the Tuileries Palace built on wilderness lands neighbouring the Louvre. Today, from that royal and imperial mansion only gardens remain. In fact, the monument was burnt during the Paris Commune of 1871, a social conflict… Read more »

On the rooftops of Paris

Passing through Paris you may seek a typical restaurant to share precious moments with your close relations? We advise you to put your luggage up in a Helzear suite or room, a hotel near to 39V, then to go discover a menu that incorporate with pleasure as the great French culinary tradition as a modernity… Read more »