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Au rendez-vous de l’histoire de la gastronomie

Le restaurant Lucas Carton installé dans un immeuble du 19ème siècle situé Place de la Madeleine fait partie de l’histoire de la gastronomie française. De grands chefs se sont succédés aux fourneaux afin de proposer une cuisine savoureuse à une clientèle fidèle. Aujourd’hui, c’est le chef Julien Dumas qui a repris le flambeau de cette… Read more »

A foundation dedicated to the contemporary art

In 1984 the collector and business men named Alain-Dominique Perrin created the Cartier Foundation devoted to the contemporary art. After a decade the foundation was moved to Jouy-en-Josas in Yvelines, Raspail boulevard, in the centre of Paris. The foundation aim was supporting the contemporary artistic creation editing books and organising exhibitions with various activities. So… Read more »

A shopping day along the Champs-Élysées

In 1892 a first Abercrombie & Fitch shop open its door in Manhattan in New-york city. The brand was specialised in cloth, accessories of ride, hunting rifles, fishing and camping equipment in that time. Nowadays, Abercrombie & Fitch has become the famous name of a store chain offering clothing line both top-range and casually for… Read more »