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A detour at the Grand Palais

It is at the heart of Paris, along the Champs-Élysées that the Grand Palais received the visitors since the Exposition Universelle of 1900. As an architectural crowning achievement the monument is remarkable for the steel and glass use, for that time components was innovative and contemporary. Over time the Grand Palais put exhibitions, circus shows,… Read more »

Une balade au Trocadéro

Durant votre séjour à Paris, n’oubliez pas de découvrir les jardins du Trocadéro et le Palais de Chaillot construits et aménagés sur l’emplacement de l’ancien Palais du Trocadéro pour accueillir l’exposition internationale de 1937. Les promeneurs apprécient le charme et la convivialité de ces jardins qui offrent 1001 possibilités, en toutes saisons. Une baignade rafraîchissante… Read more »

When Gauguin invites itself at the Grand Palais

Built to become the architectural showcase of French savoir-faire during the international exposition of Paris in 1900, the Grand Palais has become a symbol of the capital city cultural life. It has been completely renovated during the years 2000 and regularly hosted temporary exhibitions. That’s currently how Gauguin the painter has been given the spotlight…. Read more »