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Une halte incontournable à Montparnasse

La Rotonde ouvre ses portes au début du 20ème siècle à l’angle des boulevards Montparnasse et Raspail. De petit bistrot fréquenté par des ouvriers, il devient très vite un lieu incontournable du Paris des écrivains et des artistes et il n’est pas rare d’y rencontrer Picasso, Modigliani, Apollinaire ou Jean Cocteau. Aujourd’hui encore, La Rotonde… Read more »

A shopping day along the Champs-Élysées

In 1892 a first Abercrombie & Fitch shop open its door in Manhattan in New-york city. The brand was specialised in cloth, accessories of ride, hunting rifles, fishing and camping equipment in that time. Nowadays, Abercrombie & Fitch has become the famous name of a store chain offering clothing line both top-range and casually for… Read more »

When gastronomy becomes an art

Through a refined setting bordering on the fastidiousness of the Restaurant Pages the young chef called Ryuji Teshima of Japanese origin welcomes and can offer you a gastronomic menu as an echo of his knowledge-course. All the dishes have been made to give customers emotion, them who can attend to cuisine preparations thanks to the… Read more »