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Within sport and culture

Built in the 19th century over the Tuileries garden, the monument which is currently home to a museum, once upon a time was given to the Jeu de Paume, forefather of many contemporary games as tennis or Frisian handball. At the beginning of the 20th century the structure and its companion the Orangerie have been… Read more »

Sous la voûte de l’Arc de Triomphe

Au cœur de Paris et plus précisément au centre de la place Charles de Gaulle, l’Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile commandé par Napoléon 1er abrite la tombe du Soldat inconnu et la flamme qui brûle en permanence depuis 1923, en souvenir des soldats morts pour la patrie. Chaque soir, à 18h30, des membres des associations… Read more »

A submersion onto humanity story

From the start of explorations for the “New World” or South Pacific Islands, mariners brought many “souvenirs” from their trip. Europeans are passionate for this far away civilisations and the wealthier get their own cabinet of curiosities. That was how a first temporary ethnographic Museum gathering many private collections opened its doors in Paris in… Read more »