At the 17th century, Louis XIV king of France felt concerned about giving disabled soldier a roof, he ordered the building of a vast monument to receive them. Actually, he wished mostly clear the capital city’s pavements out, which were full of old soldier who became beggars and even thief. L’Hôtel des Invalides was inaugurated… Read more »
From the start of explorations for the “New World” or South Pacific Islands, mariners brought many “souvenirs” from their trip. Europeans are passionate for this far away civilisations and the wealthier get their own cabinet of curiosities. That was how a first temporary ethnographic Museum gathering many private collections opened its doors in Paris in… Read more »
Built to become the architectural showcase of French savoir-faire during the international exposition of Paris in 1900, the Grand Palais has become a symbol of the capital city cultural life. It has been completely renovated during the years 2000 and regularly hosted temporary exhibitions. That’s currently how Gauguin the painter has been given the spotlight…. Read more »