It was in 1957 that the signed Léonard Bernstein West Side Story musical show has been played for the first time in a Broadway’s theatre. The play which takes Romeo and Juillette’s subject over transposed in a popular district of Manhattan remains displayed at almost 1000 shows before to be deported in Europe, success has… Read more »
The French president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing was behind the project of the Arab World Institute construction at the heart of Paris. Thus, he wanted to lighten the relations between France and Arab countries bringing the two cultures closer. The building was inaugurated in 1987 under the chairmanship of François Mitterrand. The Institute shelters permanent collections… Read more »
En 1937, la Ville de Paris organise l’Exposition internationale des « Arts et Techniques appliqués à la Vie moderne ». A cette occasion, plusieurs pavillons sont construits afin d’accueillir les visiteurs et de promouvoir le savoir-faire français. Si la majorité de ces bâtiments sont éphémères, d’autres sont destinés à être permanents. C’est le cas notamment du monumental… Read more »