During the second part of the 16th century, the Regent of France named Catherine de Medicis at the time, had the Tuileries Palace built on wilderness lands neighbouring the Louvre. Today, from that royal and imperial mansion only gardens remain. In fact, the monument was burnt during the Paris Commune of 1871, a social conflict… Read more »
Paris would not really be the same without its emblematic brasseries. So fara from the ostentation and the plush atmosphere of the luxurious establishments, the brasserie proposes to the guests specialities of the capital city as the Blanquette de veau, the croque-monsieur, the steak with pepper sauce and a large selection of salads. The atmosphere… Read more »
C’est dans le cadre épuré proche du minimalisme du restaurant Pages que le jeune chef d’origine japonaise Ryuji Teshima vous accueille et vous propose un menu gastronomique, reflet de son parcours. Chaque assiette a été conçue pour apporter de l’émotion aux convives qui peuvent assister à la préparation des plats grâce à la cuisine ouverte… Read more »