In 1937 the City of Paris organised the World Exhibition of “Arts et Techniques appliqués à la vie moderne » (« Exhibition of Arts and Techniques applied on modern life »). For this occasion, several detached houses were built both to welcome visitors and promote the French savoir-faire. Even though the majority of these houses were ephemeral others were aimed to be permanents. That’s especially the case of the Tokyo… Read more »
What if you enjoy a delicious diner while gazing at the lights of Paris enlightening the capital city as you overlook? For your next journey in Paris, we propose you to book a table in the panoramic restaurant Jules Verne hight perched at 125 meters in altitude at the top of the Eiffel Tower. The… Read more »
De passage à Paris, vous cherchez un restaurant emblématique pour partager des moments privilégiés avec vos proches? Nous vous invitons à poser vos valises dans une chambre ou une suite Helzear, un hôtel proche du 39V et de partir à la découverte d’une carte combinant avec bonheur la grande tradition culinaire française et une touche… Read more »