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Sur les toits de Paris

De passage à Paris, vous cherchez un restaurant emblématique pour partager des moments privilégiés avec vos proches? Nous vous invitons à poser vos valises dans une chambre ou une suite Helzear, un hôtel proche du 39V et de partir à la découverte d’une carte combinant avec bonheur la grande tradition culinaire française et une touche… Read more »

A tryst with the story of the gastronomy

Lucas Carton restaurant settled in a 19th century building is established at Place de la Madelaine and relates the story of the French gastronomy. Great chefs have kept coming to prepare as a means to give regular customer a delightful cuisine. Nowadays the chef Julien Dumas took up the torch of this true Parisian institution…. Read more »

Between Sandy and Danny

Having made famous thanks to the eponym movie launched in 1978 the musical show staging Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta called Grease became a symbol of the American youth of the fifties. It was in 1971 that the play was created in Chicago then was played more than 3300 times in Broadway as soon as… Read more »