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Way for the Photography at the Grand Palais

From a long time, the photography increased at the art rank and has nothing else to envy at other kind of art. Therefore, naturally the Paris International art fair is invited every year at the Grand Palais in Paris. As it has become the unmissable meeting for the professionals, artists, collectors or mere curious, the… Read more »

La FIAC, le rendez-vous incontournable des artistes contemporains

Chaque année depuis 1974, Paris met à l’honneur les artistes contemporains à l’occasion de la FIAC, la Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain. Pendant quelques jours du mois d’octobre, le Grand Palais ainsi que plusieurs sites « Hors Les Murs » accueillent des œuvres modernes et contemporaines sélectionnées par les plus grandes galeries du monde. Les visiteurs peuvent admirer… Read more »

A designer house opens its doors for you

Being passionate from his younger age by the haute couture, Yves-Saint-Laurent created his own house in 1961. The year after, the first Yves-Saint-Laurent collection realised a victory that will never passed away. He offers woman a new clothing often inspired by men clothes, from dinner jacket to safari jacket as well as trench-coat and trouser… Read more »