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When everything means luxury and fineness

So youngly Guccio Gucci developed competences within the fashion field and came nearer the luxury world working into palaces.  In 1921 Gucci’s brand was founded and a first shop opened in Florence offered saddlery products, luggage and riding accessories. This first shop was followed by many others and the brand branched out quickly.

An evening at Broadway

It was in 1957 that the signed Léonard Bernstein West Side Story musical show has been played for the first time in a Broadway’s theatre. The play which takes Romeo and Juillette’s subject over transposed in a popular district of Manhattan remains displayed at almost 1000 shows before to be deported in Europe, success has… Read more »

Au pied de la Tour Eiffel

En 1899, la ville de Paris organise une Exposition Universelle, véritable vitrine du savoir-faire français. C’est à cette occasion que Gustave Eiffel imagine et conçoit la célèbre tour qui est devenue le symbole de la capitale. En cette fin de 19ème siècle, la Tour Eiffel est une prouesse architecturale et technologique, un défi relevé avec… Read more »