Un premier magasin Abercrombie & Fitch ouvre ses portes en 1892 dans le quartier new-yorkais de Manhattan. À cette époque, l’enseigne était spécialisée dans les vêtements et accessoires de randonnée, les fusils de chasse et le matériel de pêche ou de camping. De nos jours, Abercrombie & Fitch est devenu le nom d’une chaîne de… Read more »
The city of Paris is well-known for its historical monuments, show’s rooms and for its gourmet cuisine. Nowadays, we propose you to enjoy each side of the City of the Light taking place around a table of the Maison Blanche restaurant. In a snug room or one of the terraces sit on the Theatre des… Read more »
Built to become the architectural showcase of French savoir-faire during the international exposition of Paris in 1900, the Grand Palais has become a symbol of the capital city cultural life. It has been completely renovated during the years 2000 and regularly hosted temporary exhibitions. That’s currently how Gauguin the painter has been given the spotlight…. Read more »