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Sous la voûte de l’Arc de Triomphe

Au cœur de Paris et plus précisément au centre de la place Charles de Gaulle, l’Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile commandé par Napoléon 1er abrite la tombe du Soldat inconnu et la flamme qui brûle en permanence depuis 1923, en souvenir des soldats morts pour la patrie. Chaque soir, à 18h30, des membres des associations… Read more »

From the thinker to “Les Bourgeois de Calais”

Born in 1840 Auguste Rodin represents one of the most famous French carvers and often he is considered as the pioneer of the modern carving. He has brought with success the realism of his works with a touch of romance and of impressionism, playing with the light, shining the shapes. Auguste Rodin was really productive… Read more »

A detour at the Grand Palais

It is at the heart of Paris, along the Champs-Élysées that the Grand Palais received the visitors since the Exposition Universelle of 1900. As an architectural crowning achievement the monument is remarkable for the steel and glass use, for that time components was innovative and contemporary. Over time the Grand Palais put exhibitions, circus shows,… Read more »