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Un détour par le Grand Palais

C’est au cœur de Paris, en bordure des Champs-Élysées, que le Grand Palais accueille ses visiteurs depuis l’Exposition Universelle de 1900. Chef-d’œuvre architectural, le bâtiment surprend par l’utilisation de l’acier et du verre, des matériaux innovants et modernes pour l’époque. Au fil du temps, le Grand Palais a présenté des salons, des spectacles de cirque,… Read more »

At the bottom of the Eiffel Tower

In 1899 Paris city has organised a World’s fair, a true showcase of the French expertise. It represented an opportunity for Gustave Eiffel to imagine and devise the famous tower which became a symbol for the capital. At the end of the 19th century the Eiffel Tower is an architectural and technological achievement and the… Read more »

A detour at the Grand Palais

It is at the heart of Paris, along the Champs-Élysées that the Grand Palais received the visitors since the Exposition Universelle of 1900. As an architectural crowning achievement the monument is remarkable for the steel and glass use, for that time components was innovative and contemporary. Over time the Grand Palais put exhibitions, circus shows,… Read more »