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Un détour par le Grand Palais

C’est au cœur de Paris, en bordure des Champs-Élysées, que le Grand Palais accueille ses visiteurs depuis l’Exposition Universelle de 1900. Chef-d’œuvre architectural, le bâtiment surprend par l’utilisation de l’acier et du verre, des matériaux innovants et modernes pour l’époque. Au fil du temps, le Grand Palais a présenté des salons, des spectacles de cirque,… Read more »

Within sport and culture

Built in the 19th century over the Tuileries garden, the monument which is currently home to a museum, once upon a time was given to the Jeu de Paume, forefather of many contemporary games as tennis or Frisian handball. At the beginning of the 20th century the structure and its companion the Orangerie have been… Read more »

From railway station to museum

The Musée d’Orsay settled in the old rail station of the Orsay since 1986, which is located near to various ministries and administrative buildings of the City of Paris. At the starting point the station has been built for visitors and stranger commission to be driven at the heart of the capital city, going to… Read more »