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On the rooftops of Paris

Passing through Paris you may seek a typical restaurant to share precious moments with your close relations? We advise you to put your luggage up in a Helzear suite or room, a hotel near to 39V, then to go discover a menu that incorporate with pleasure as the great French culinary tradition as a modernity… Read more »

Au pied de la Tour Eiffel

En 1899, la ville de Paris organise une Exposition Universelle, véritable vitrine du savoir-faire français. C’est à cette occasion que Gustave Eiffel imagine et conçoit la célèbre tour qui est devenue le symbole de la capitale. En cette fin de 19ème siècle, la Tour Eiffel est une prouesse architecturale et technologique, un défi relevé avec… Read more »

Between Sandy and Danny

Having made famous thanks to the eponym movie launched in 1978 the musical show staging Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta called Grease became a symbol of the American youth of the fifties. It was in 1971 that the play was created in Chicago then was played more than 3300 times in Broadway as soon as… Read more »