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At the bottom of the Eiffel Tower

In 1899 Paris city has organised a World’s fair, a true showcase of the French expertise. It represented an opportunity for Gustave Eiffel to imagine and devise the famous tower which became a symbol for the capital. At the end of the 19th century the Eiffel Tower is an architectural and technological achievement and the… Read more »

Une promenade sur les Champs-Élysées

Célèbre dans le monde entier, l’avenue des Champs-Élysées s’étire sur près de deux kilomètres, de la Place de la Concorde à la Place Charles de Gaulle. Véritable centre névralgique de la capitale, elle est bordée de nombreuses et luxueuses boutiques, mais également des plus célèbres salles de spectacle et restaurants de la capitale. Nous vous… Read more »

A dinner at the Jules Verne, a special experience

What if you enjoy a delicious diner while gazing at the lights of Paris enlightening the capital city as you overlook? For your next journey in Paris, we propose you to book a table in the panoramic restaurant Jules Verne hight perched at 125 meters in altitude at the top of the Eiffel Tower. The… Read more »