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Une halte incontournable à Montparnasse

La Rotonde ouvre ses portes au début du 20ème siècle à l’angle des boulevards Montparnasse et Raspail. De petit bistrot fréquenté par des ouvriers, il devient très vite un lieu incontournable du Paris des écrivains et des artistes et il n’est pas rare d’y rencontrer Picasso, Modigliani, Apollinaire ou Jean Cocteau. Aujourd’hui encore, La Rotonde… Read more »

A dinner at the Jules Verne, a special experience

What if you enjoy a delicious diner while gazing at the lights of Paris enlightening the capital city as you overlook? For your next journey in Paris, we propose you to book a table in the panoramic restaurant Jules Verne hight perched at 125 meters in altitude at the top of the Eiffel Tower. The… Read more »

From railway station to museum

The Musée d’Orsay settled in the old rail station of the Orsay since 1986, which is located near to various ministries and administrative buildings of the City of Paris. At the starting point the station has been built for visitors and stranger commission to be driven at the heart of the capital city, going to… Read more »